
Monday, April 29, 2019

And the Winner Is...

Hi everyone! Katherine here to announce the winner of our giveaway! Yay! Are you excited?

Image result for and the winner is

The winner of the giveaway is

Congratulations! Please email me at:  to get your dress! 

Friday, April 26, 2019

ADollablebyRita Giveaway Ends TODAY

The *giveaway* ends TODAY!!! Click *HERE* to enter!

The winner will be announced Monday the 29th!

Enter now before its too late! You don't want to miss this giveaway!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

ONE Day Left to Enter!!!

Hey everyone! Katherine here. I am here to remind you that you have ONE day left to enter the giveaway!!! Click *HERE*  to enter before it's too late! Make sure to comment on the *giveaway post* that way you are entered! It ends TOMORROW!

Image result for pictures 1 week left
(Picture is not mine)

Make sure to enter!!! (Click *HERE*) Ends TOMORROW!!!

Friday, April 19, 2019

ONE Week Left to Enter!

Hey everyone! Katherine here. I am here to remind you that you have ONE week left to enter the giveaway!!! Click *HERE*  to enter before it's too late! I got an extension to go for one more week so you can have a chance to enter!

Image result for pictures 1 week left
(Picture is not mine)

Make sure to enter!!! (Click *HERE*)

Friday, April 12, 2019

Samantha in Spring

Hello dears! Samantha here today. Yesterday was my birthday, so Katherine took me out for a photo-shoot for my birthday. :)


The Redbuds are finally blooming and are gorgeous! ❀

I felt like a princess. ♕

Purple flowers go well with pink dresses don't they? ^-^

Which picture was your favorite? I have many from this photo-shoot!

What's your favorite thing about spring? Mine is all the gorgeous flowers and trees that are blooming! (Spring is my favorite season). What about you? What's your favorite thing about spring, or what's your favorite season?

Comment below!

P.S. Don't forget to enter our *giveaway*. (Click on the word giveaway, and it will open a new tab to the giveaway post!)

Friday, April 5, 2019

A Spring Surprise {Part 2}

(Click *here* for Part 1 if you haven't already read it!)

She raised her hand into a wave. "I'm Rilynne."
Sydney waved back. "Hi, I'm Sydney! What are you doing here?"
"Well," Rilynne replied, "I'm not sure how to say this, but I was told this would be my new home."

"Oh, that's great! The more the merrier," Sydney smiled at her. "So where are you from?"
"I'm from New Zealand!" Rilynne replied. "It's so weird because right now it would be fall New Zealand; not spring!" 
"That is weird!" replied Sydney. "Well, we should get you settled in and introduce you to your new sisters!"

"Over there by the hopscotch is Katrina with the brown hair, Addy with the black hair, and then Kailey next to her."
All of the girls waved and said hello to Rilynne.
Sydney then led Rilynne over to Anastasia.
"Hi! I'm Anastasia - it's very nice to meet you!"
Saige immediately welcomed Rilynne, and of course the dogs did too.
"I absolutely LOVE dogs!" exclaimed Rilynne. "Back home in New Zealand there was this Corgi puppy I used to play with."
The girls kept talking as the walked along inside.
"So if you are from New Zealand then you are called a kiwi is that right?" asked Saige.
"Correct!' replied Rilynne.
"In theory, you could be a kiwi, eating a kiwi, and watching a kiwi? Right?" Saige asked again.
Rilynne laughed. "Yes, because the word kiwi has three different meanings: a native New Zealander, a fruit, and a bird."
"That's cool!" replied Sydney.

Since the other girls wanted to help get Rilynne settled, they worked on picking up their things.

Everyone, please welcome Rilynne to A Doll's Life family!

She will hopefully make a post soon introducing herself! Be on the lookout for that.

Did you guess from the last post that a new sister would be added to A Doll's Life family?

Comment below!

Don't forget to enter our giveaway too! Click *here* to enter.

P.S. Addy and Kailey were twinning by wearing the same color, and both having braided pigtails!