
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Photo-shoot with Miss Fleur

I took these pictures awhile ago. Hope you enjoy!

One of my favorites!

See the white petals? They are from the pear tree. (It is pretty; it doesn't bear fruit.)
This is my favorite!

Before you see the next  picture, try to figure out what the purple flowers are. Guess below in the comments!

I think I am slightly out of focus.
There we go! Much better!
Aw, the pear tree!
One of my favorites! (I have a lot! :) )

Another one of my favorites!
The pear tree flowers are so beautiful! Unfortunately they smell bad. :(  
Nature photos!
Beautiful red-bud! 
I love this picture!

Awesome pear tree flowers!
Which picture was your favorite?


  1. Beautiful photos! I love all the flowers in them. : )

    1. Thank you! Do you know what kind of flower is the purple flower?

    2. Hmmmm....I'm not really a botanist. : D

    3. It's alright. I'll tell you. First it is actually a weed; it is called Hen-bit! :)

    4. Wow! Who knew? XD

  2. Beautiful pictures :) my fave is number seven.

    - Ellie

  3. These are beautiful!! I don't really have a favorite, I love them all! I don't really know what the purple ones are... the way I define flowers is basically this: Oh! That's a white one. I see an orange one over there! lol


    1. Thank you! It is okay that you don't have a favorite! The purple flowers are a weed. You can look three comments up, and there is the answer! I like how you define flowers! :)

    2. I was wondering if you want to do a button swap? These pictures are so cute!


    3. Okay, I know what a button is; I have one. But how would a button swap include this pictures? I would love to know!

    4. Oh! I was just wondering. I didn't really have much to do with this post. I just created our button today, and I wanted to feature your blog somehow! I'll try to get it up soon!


    5. I'm trying to put your blog button up, but I can't remember how. Can you please tell me?

    6. I like the third to last one! The sun looks so cool!

    7. Okay.. prepare yourself. First, download my button to your computer. Then. you have to go to Layout, I believe. Then you hit add gadget. Scroll around until you find image, then click on it. Hit add files or something, and select my blog button. Add a title. Where it says link, copy and paste our blog address into it. Hit Save, and you're done! (I hope this made sense)


    8. Thanks Raspberry! It is one of my favorites to!

    9. Thank you for your advice Watermelon! I will go try that!

  4. Gorgeous photos. The flowers are so pretty. ^-^
    xo Adi

  5. Oh man that hat.
    That is one cool hat.
    I just adore the second and eighth photos from the bottom! XD
    ~ Gwen

  6. beautiful photos! I love the second one. I love wild flowers. They're so pretty!

    1. Thanks! The second one is one of my favorites to! Wild flowers are pretty! ^-^

  7. Nice pictures! They are so pretty!


  8. All of your pictures are gorgeous!! My favorites are number 5 and 10!!


    1. Thanks so much! Number 5 is my favorite to! :)

  9. Wow, those are gorgeous! I love them!:D

  10. Hey Bella! I'm having a giveaway and a Q&A and I would love it if you would check it out!

    Allie D.


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