
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Years!

Hey guys! This is Saige, and it's 2016! Our one year blog anniversary is coming up tomorrow, and we still need three more followers to have that giveaway! Tell your friends to follow by email or with their Google account. I'll post sometime later this week The Best of 2015. Like the post with most views, comments, top commentators, and things like that. Here is a picture taken in the fall.
I love this picture so much! Make sure to tell your friends to follow!
When is your blog anniversary coming up?


  1. Is it when you reach 40 followers? If so, I was your 40th. ;) Love your blog btw.

    1. It is actually for 50 because I have seven email followers, so now I only need two more followers! (Yes I did my math right, Loren at Happy House of AG followed me, but it doesn't show up.) Thank you so much!

  2. OOH! That picture is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!:D Saige is so pretty.:)

  3. I just followed. :D That picture is adorable! I love the bokeh!

    ~ Mint

  4. Hello! Saige looks super cute. You're blog is really nice :0)
    - Zoë

    1. I also wanted to let you know that I followed you, but I don't see it showing up.

    2. Thanks! It shows up now! Thank you for following! Shh, don't tell anyone, but we made our goal!

  5. Saige is gorgeous!! Love all the beautiful colors in that picture!! ;)


Hi! Thanks so much for commenting! It means a lot. Since this is a doll blog I would like for it to be a blog for all ages. When you comment please think of these two things. One, no swearing or bad language. Two, be kind to other people and try not to start an argument. If you have a doll blog feel free to leave a link, and I will check it out! Thanks for taking time to comment!