
Monday, April 4, 2016

Kaya {An AGPS}

Hello everyone! This is Bella. Today I have a photo-shoot of the wonderful, beautiful, shy Kaya!
Enjoy the pictures!

I love this picture!
Which was your favorite picture?
Kaya is a beautiful doll, but she is very hard to photograph. Her eyes are lower in her head  than other dolls. It is really hard to get at her eye level. Would anyone like a review on her? I know Maddie from DollsOnMyMind was wondering if I would recommend her. Let me know if you'd like a review!
Thanks for reading!


  1. I'd love a review!!! I love the picture of her against the fence on the grass. It looks so... Indian-y.

    1. Okay! I'll be working on that! Thanks! You are right!

  2. A review sounds great! She is so pretty!

    I agree with Anika, ^^^ about the picture with the grass. :)

    Allie D.

  3. Beautiful photos! I loved them! I like the last one best, and I'd love a review!
    ~The Girl Upstairs

  4. I'd love a review! I've liked Kaya for a really long time, so I'd love to see your views on her!:) Great pictures, Kaya is so pretty!:)

  5. i'm seriously considering purchasing this cutie so i would love a review, as not many people own her. :)

    1. All right. I will be working on a review as almost everyone wanted a review on Kaya. :)

  6. Lovely photos! I agree on her being a bit hard to photograph.
    - Zoe


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