
Monday, November 21, 2016

Missouri in the Fall {An AGPS}

Hello! Hello! It's me, Anastasia! Last weekend I was able to go to Missouri with Bella. There will be will be 4 posts, and the last one will be pictures of the town and scenery.
Here is part 1! Enjoy!
I really like this picture! On Friday we left and drove for about 5 hours and got to Missouri.
We stayed in a old post office converted into two bed-and-breakfasts. It was called Joey's Birdhouse and was very nice!
On Saturday morning, Bella's dad went to ride the Katy Trail, while Bella, her mom, and I went to explore the town of Hermann.
We had a wonderful time!
We went into many different shops and spent most of the day in town.

We were in the Ozarks part of Missouri and it was really pretty even though we missed the prime season of the trees turning.
(I love this picture!) Bella's and my favorite shop, was a shop called Blondie's Dolls. This picture is of Samantha's tea set. Bella might have bought something from Blondie's Dolls.

I really like this picture!

I really like this picture!
So that was day one of our small trip! Next Monday I will post the second part.

What's your favorite place to go to on vacation?

Which picture is your favorite?

I'm going to do something I don't think we've done before. If you live in the US, it is going to be Thanksgiving on Thursday. What I want you to do is comment below what one thing that you are thankful for. On Friday all of us dolls will say what you are thankful for. Comment below!

P.S Don't forget to vote on Fabulous or Fail?


  1. I really like the first picture.

    I'm thankful for my family.

  2. I love your outfit! The colour combination is so fun! These photos are amazing, I'm really thankful for my family and living in a safe country :)
    Lydia's Dolls @

  3. The second picture is my favorite! Cute outfit too!
    I'm thankful for Family and my camera!

  4. Nice pictures! My favorites are the third and fourth.
    I am thankful for Jesus Christ, my awesome family, and books. :)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

  5. I like the picture of the tea set :) And I'm thankful for...hmm...what to pick...xD Oh well, it's almost too hard to choose. Everything! xD

  6. I'm thankful for my family and friends, and for glitter. XD


Hi! Thanks so much for commenting! It means a lot. Since this is a doll blog I would like for it to be a blog for all ages. When you comment please think of these two things. One, no swearing or bad language. Two, be kind to other people and try not to start an argument. If you have a doll blog feel free to leave a link, and I will check it out! Thanks for taking time to comment!