
Monday, April 3, 2017

Spring Favorites

Hello everyone! Long time no post am I right? (This is Samantha if you can't tell) I really wanted to title the post "And at last I see a post" but it would have been more accurate to say "And at last I write a post" but I didn't like the second one as much.  
I hope you enjoy this photo-shoot of me! Bella finally took a photo-shoot of me and is letting me post it. I hope that you haven't forgotten about me.
Anyways, enjoy! :)

I really like this one! 

I really like the above two! 
This one is also nice!

This one is slightly dark but I still really like it!

I really like the above four! (Recognize the flowers behind me? It's called a redbud and the pictures of Katrina in the last post  were taken here last year.)

Fun fact: there are only four pictures with the red bud tree because I was standing in the tree and then I lost my balance. I would have fallen to the ground but thankfully Bella was there to catch me.

Which picture(s) were your favorite? (Click on the picture to see what number it is)

Have you ever had (or almost had) a doll fall due to wind, standing in a tree, cat knocking over doll, etc.? 

The last post  Bella asked for some facts about you. (If you want to comment below again!) Bella says there are at least two people who want to travel. (Marissa and Clara) So the question for today is:

Where's one place you really want to travel?

Comment below!


  1. Samantha is so pretty! My favorite photos are the third and eleventh.
    I'm not a huge fun of travel, but I think it would be fun to visit states I've never been to. Also, it'd be really interesting to see the birthplace of Laura Ingalls Wiler. :)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    1. Thank you so much! That would be fun too! I want to visit the Little House museums and things. Bella actually has been to the Little House museums in South Dakota!

  2. Such pretty pictures!! Love the necklace. One time two of my dolls fell into a pond....It's a long story :)
    I really want to visit Bora Bora!

    1. Thanks! I love the necklace too! Oh dear! I hope your dolls are okay! Bora Bora is really pretty!

  3. These are great! My favorite picture was the 19th one. Hmm.... somewhere I want to travel. Does somewhere you are planning to go to count? If it does then New York City. If not then I also want to go to Iceland.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous photos! I love those! :D Grace got plowed over by a cat once.... :) One day I'd love to visit the Philippines, where my dad is from!
    ~ Light4theLord

    1. Thank you! Cats are notorious for knocking dolls over! That's so cool that your dad is from the Philippines!

  5. Dude, I'm so jealous of your dolls' wardrobe. They always have the prettiest outfits. Great pictures, btw. My favorite is probably #17.

    I hope to travel everywhere someday, but Greece and New Zealand are pretty high on my list.


    1. Aw thank you so much! I actually sewed her entire outfit! :) I'm so sorry I'm just now replying back to your wonderful comment. New Zealand is high on my list too!


Hi! Thanks so much for commenting! It means a lot. Since this is a doll blog I would like for it to be a blog for all ages. When you comment please think of these two things. One, no swearing or bad language. Two, be kind to other people and try not to start an argument. If you have a doll blog feel free to leave a link, and I will check it out! Thanks for taking time to comment!