
Friday, September 29, 2017

Important Updates! Please read!

Hey everyone! It's Katherine here. I have a couple of announcements which I thought I would share with you since they are important.

1. A Doll's Life will temporarily post once a week. I've been super busy lately with school and I don't have time to make a post/help the dolls make a post twice a week. I'm taking a biology class this year which is taking a lot of my time. This will hopefully only be temporary.

2. A Doll's Life has gotten a lot of new followers and I would love to hear from you! I feel like I haven't really been connecting or hearing anything from my new followers. so comment below and introduce yourself!

3. A Doll's Life has been getting less views. Is there any particular type of post that you would like to see? Let me know!  

I think that covers it!

Here's a picture of Addy since you read through that all. <3

Don't forget to comment below, and if there's a particular post you would like to see- 

Let me know!



  1. I'm taking biology this year too! I totally get being busy. I love Addy's shirt!!!!! SO cute!!!

  2. Hi I'm Kaylyn! I love all of the posts you have been doing! I have one AG doll. Her name is Izzy!

    1. Hi Kaylyn! Aw thank you so much! That's great! :)

  3. I love that photo of Addy. She looks great in that outfit and I love how you added the necklace in keeping with her character.

    Good luck with the biology. I enjoyed much of that class, but it can be difficult and time consuming.

    1. Thank you so much!
      Yes it is very time consuming!


Hi! Thanks so much for commenting! It means a lot. Since this is a doll blog I would like for it to be a blog for all ages. When you comment please think of these two things. One, no swearing or bad language. Two, be kind to other people and try not to start an argument. If you have a doll blog feel free to leave a link, and I will check it out! Thanks for taking time to comment!