
Monday, January 29, 2018

Addy on an Adventure

Hi everyone! Addy here. It feels like I haven't posted in FOREVER!! So today I have a photo-shoot of me! Enjoy! :)

These pictures were taken outside of a baseball stadium!
I LOVE this picture!!

I like this one too. :) 

I know this is a little dark but I like it. :)

This is one of my favorites!!

I like this perspective on this one. :)

I like this one too!

Which picture was your favorite?

Which would you prefer for a background for photos? A wall of ivy or bricks?

Don't forget to enter our GIVEAWAY *HERE*

Comment below your favorite picture!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Giveaway with DreamWorldCollection!

Hello everyone! I'm so excited for this post!

Back on January 3rd, A Doll's Life had it's 3rd year blogiversary! To celebrate this milestone A Doll's Life is having a giveaway! 

DreamWorldCollection has so kindly sponsored an outfit for this giveaway. A BIG thank you to DreamWorldCollection!

Are you ready to see what you could win?

You could win this Urban Explorer outfit for 18 inch dolls!

It comes with a pair of brown boots
A cute paperboy hat
It comes with a jacket which closes with Velcro
And this adorable dress! 

Are you ready to find out how to win?!


1. Follow A Doll's Life 

2. Have your parents permission if you're under 18

3. Live in the US or have a US shipping address

In order to enter you must comment below your name, if you have your parents permission (if you're under 18), how you follow A Doll's Life. If you have a Google profile just say that you follow with your Google profile. (Your username will show up when you comment) If you are an email follower specify you're an email follower, BUT you must let me know what your email address is. You can either let me know your email address in the first comment, or in a separate comment if you'd like. I will be moderating comments so the comment with your email will NOT be published and I will not give it away.

That's it! That's how you enter!

Would you like extra entries?

Like and follow A Doll's Life on Facebook +1
(tell me under what name you follow me with)

Follow A Doll's Life on Instagram +1 
(tell me your account name that you follow with)

             Share the picture below on your blog, Facebook, Instagram, etc. +1 for each entry. 
                                                 (may share multiple times for more points.)

This giveaway ends February 27th at midnight CST. I will announce the winner the morning of February 28th. 

Don't forget to share and earn extra entries in this giveaway!

Good luck!  

If you have any questions comment below!


Monday, January 15, 2018

A Year in Review/ 3 Years in Review

Hello everyone! Katherine here. I thought I would post a Year in Review/ 3 years in a Review for today's post.

In three years A Doll's Life has had a total of 79,273 page views. We've had views from all over the world. Some of the main countries are - United States, Canada, Russia, France, Portugal, Poland, United Kingdom, Brazil, Singapore, India. Thank you all to my US followers and all of my international followers! (Not all are listed)

A Doll's Life has published 350 posts in three years. (Counting this post 351)

2015 had 130, 2016 had 123, and 2017 had 95 posts.

The post with the most views is Meet Anastasia

This was the first picture ever posted on here.

The blog started out with two sisters blogging.....

And added 5 more sisters within 3 years.

All of us have learned a lot about blogging and photography. We are also so very thankful for all the wonderful people we have met on here.

Thank you for all of all followers through out the years! We couldn't have done it without you.

Let us know how long you have been following A Doll's Life! Have you been following us from the beginning, have you followed later, or are you a new follower? Comment below and let us know!

If you have any questions for the doll's and I, comment below. :)

Also, next week's posting should be an exciting post! (It has to do with thanking you - my followers)


Monday, January 8, 2018

My Thoughts on the New Release

Hi everyone! Katherine here. Today I have My Thoughts on the New Release. Enjoy!

Luciana Doll, Book & Accessories
Luciana Doll, Book, & Accessories

 I LOVE Luciana's story and theme. She's into STEM and space which is so cool!!! I love the doll but she looks an awful lot like #66. I love her purple streak in her hair. I also LOVE her boots. Her dress is okay, but I don't like the red belt. Her accessories are all right. I do love the backpack though.

Luciana's Mars Habitat
Luciana's Mars Habitat

I LOVE this set sooo much!! It's cool and it has so many pieces that go with it. It only costs $350........

Luciana's Maker Station
Luciana's Maker Station

This set is pretty cool! I love the little Mega Construx that it comes with, the little apron, and the little terrarium. I would buy the set just for the terrarium. Not really, but I LOVE it!
Luciana's Robotic Dog
Luciana's Robotic Dog

I really like the idea of a robotic dog, but I don't like the price. ($35)

Luciana's PJs for 18-inch Dolls
Luciana's PJs for 18- inch Dolls

I like these, but in my opinion, they don't quite look like pajamas. They are cute though!

Luciana's Telescope Projector Set
Luciana's Telescope Projector Set

I like this set and the idea of having a telescope, but I think that $40 is a bit too much for a telescope and a blanket.

Luciana's Flight Suit for 18-inch Dolls
Luciana's Flight Suit

I really like this! It's so cute and realistic. Plus, it's not pink!

Luciana's Stellar Outfit for 18-inch Dolls
Luciana's Stellar Outfit

I love, love this outfit! I love the shirt, jacket, and shoes. This would be an outfit I would consider purchasing.

Luciana's Visitor Center Accessories
Luciana's Visitor Center Accessories

I LOVE the shirt so much. This set ($20) would be worth it just for the shirt.

 Luciana Vega's Backpack for Girls
This is the backpack for girls which I LOVE but the problem is that it's so small. :(
American Girl Luciana's Space Suit for 18-inch Dolls
Luciana's Space Suit (AG Rewards Exclusive)

I LOVE the idea of a spacesuit! But it's $75 and only available for AG rewards members. But, the idea is still really cool!
Tenney's Pre-Show Bundle for 18-inch Dolls
Tenney's Pre-Show Bundle

This is set is ok. I like the shoes, but the shorts look like exercise shorts and the fringe top (in my opinion) is ugly. The jacket is okay. I would like it better if there was no blue stripe.

Tenney's Split-Front Dress for 18-inch Dolls
Tenney's  Split-Front Dress

I would like this dress better if it didn't have the split in the middle. And then you're supposed to wear the black shorts underneath it??? I don't get it.....

Tenney's Show Shoes
Tenney's Show Shoes

I do actually like these shoes. I can see them being used a lot for mix-n-match outfits.

Tenney's Microphone Set
Tenney's Microphone Set

This set is cute. It's not terribly expensive. ($15) but it seems like it's super plastic-y.

Tenney's Rosy Sunglasses for Dolls
Tenney's Rosy Sunglasses

I really like these! I can see the dolls wanting them. The glasses are cute.

Truly Me™ Doll #74 + Everyday Accessories
Truly Me Doll #74

Okay, here are my thoughts on the boy dolls. The brand is American GIRL not American BOY. I'm not against boy dolls, but I don't like American Girl making them.
Truly Me™ Doll #76 + Everyday AccessoriesTruly Me™ Doll #75 + Everyday AccessoriesTruly Me™ Doll #77 + Everyday Accessories
These are the other three boys. I feel like if AG was going to make boy dolls they should have made more choices.
Everyday Accessories
Everyday Accessories

I like these accessories they are so cute! I especially love the hoodie.
 Star Spangled Fan Gear for 18-inch Dolls
Star Spangles Fan Gear

This outfit is cute! I like it. :)

American Girl Snack Stand
American Girl Snack Stand

This is cute, but I feel like it's a variation of the other snack stands/carts.

Sun & Fun Outfit for 18-inch Dolls

Sun & Fun outfit

This is cute. I LOVE the hat - it's so cute!

Sunny Day Dress for 18-inch Dolls
Sunny Day Dress

I really like this dress!! I would considering buying this dress for my dolls.

Dino-mite Outfit for 18-inch Dolls
Dino-mite Outfit

I like this outfit. It's cute for boys.

Explore the Outdoors Outfit for 18-inch Dolls
Explore the Outdoors

I LOVE this outfit! It's so cute!! I love the jacket, shorts, shoes, and shirt.

Chameleon Terrarium Set
Chameleon Terrarium Set

I LOVE this set so much!!! I love the chameleon and my dolls would LOVE this set.

Gold Glitter Boots
Gold Glitter Boots

Ahhhh I LOVE these!! They are so cute!!

 Knit Rhinestone Beanie
Knit Rhinestone Beanie

I LOVE this hat sooo much! I really want this hat.

Chambray Cadet Cap
Chambray Cadet Cap

AHHHH! I also LOVE this hat soo much!!! It's sooo Cute!!! I really want this one too.

Dark-Blue Glasses
Dark-Blue Glasses

Yay!! AG finally made another pair of glasses. These are so cute!

Coconut PJs for 18-inch Dolls

Coconut PJs

These are cute! I could see the top being used as a regular shirt, but still it's cute!

And that wraps up this post! There are still some things I didn't state my thoughts on so you can go to the AG website and look at them yourself. :) (Like the new mix-n-match items, and some shoes and accessories, along with new Wellie Wisher things)

What are your thoughts on Luciana and the boy dolls?

Do you plan on buying anything from this release? Or have you already?

Comment below!


P.S On the third was a very special day....... It was A Doll's Life 3rd year anniversary!! Look for a special post about it. ;)