
Friday, December 7, 2018

Tulip Time at the Arboretum

Hey! It's Sydney. Today I have a photo-shoot of me that was taken at the Bartlett Arboretum at Tulip Time. If you would like to see all the other posts click *here* (That is the link for all of the posts, so if you want to see the other posts you will have to scroll down because this one will be first). You will be able to see all the other photos we have posted so far.

I decided to post these pictures because everything seems dull and dreary now that it's winter.


(These pictures were taken before I had glasses)

I took the bike and rode around the arboretum which was so much fun!

I love all of these pictures! 

Which pictures were your favorite?

Have you ever been to a tulip festival before?

Would you like to see just tulip pictures from Tulip Time?

Which of our tulip festival posts have you enjoyed the most?

Comment below!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures, especially the one with the bike! Melody, your outfit is beautiful!


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