
Friday, March 29, 2019

Giveaway with AdollablebyRita!

Hi everyone! Katherine here today and I have an awesome surprise for you!

Rita at AdollablebyRita is hosting a giveaway for you - the readers! 

Rita recently came out with a new spring line and will be giving away one of her spring dresses! (Valued at $16)


1. Follow A Doll's Life.
(Blog not Instagram or Facebook)

2. Go to AdollablebyRita 
(Click on the shop name and it will take you there)
Look around and "heart" your favorite item(s) in the shop. Once you've done that, come back and comment below that you follow me and liked your favorite item(s).
(If your Etsy account name is different then the one you comment with let me know)

3. Have your parents permission if you're under 18.

4. Live in the US or have a US shipping address.

That's it! No purchase necessary. *EDITED* The giveaway will end April 26th 11:59PM CST. One winner will be chosen randomly. 

If you don't already follow A Doll's Life,scroll up and you can follow (if you have a Google account) by clicking the blue follow button to the left, or you can enter your email address and click the grey submit button.

Thank you to AdollablebyRita for hosting the giveaway!

Enter now by commenting below that way I can verify that you are entered! 

Friday, March 22, 2019

A Spring Surprise {Part 1}

It was the first day of spring and the dolls decided to go outside and celebrate.

Saige was playing fetch with the dogs.

The dogs, of course, loved playing fetch and would race each other to see who would get the stick first. 

Anastasia was practicing her guitar.

Sydney and Samantha were having a picnic together.

Katrina was playing hopscotch along with Addy and Kailey.

They were each doing their own thing when they heard a "Hello, is this A Doll's Life house?"

Samantha and Sydney were the first ones to hear this newcomer.  
"I was told that Katherine and the dolls lived here."

There was a girl standing there. Who was she???


Stay tuned for the next part to see who she is!

Do you have a guess who she is?

Also, Addy and Kailey are twinning - can you figure out how?

Comment below!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Pictures are Under Construction

Hi everyone! Katherine here. Last week Saturday my computer decided to die on me, so I had to get a new computer. I haven't transferred my files and pictures yet to this computer, so I currently do not have any doll photos to post. Please bear with me as I work on getting all of my files transferred. But, what I realized, is that you guys might not know that much about me! So, I decided to make a post so you can know more about me! :)

This is one of my FAVORITE pictures ever that I have taken. I actually took it in 2017 on my iPhone.
Along with photographing the dolls, I like taking pictures of nature, urban photography, and I have been trying some more "human photography" - if you know what I mean. ;)

You also might know, but if you don't, this is my kitty Trixie! (She's turning 4 on March 24th!) She's "helping me" with my math. Some exciting news for me is that I'll be done with my math on March 25th (if I stay on schedule). I'm finishing up Geometry, and I have already done Algebra 1 and 2. I know I haven't talked a lot about my school on here, but school keeps me busy along with work. I am a junior, and  I am taking the ACT on April 13th. I hope to take some basic college courses next year at my local community college.

What about you? Are you taking/have you taken the ACT?

What grade are you in?

What do you want to be when you're "grown-up?" Or if you already are "grown-up" what do you do?

Comment below!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Fabulous? or Fail?

Hey, hey, hey! It's me Kailey here today. I have a Fabulous? or Fail? for you!

The *last one* was 
Fabulous! (It was unanimous!)

Are you ready for the next one?

Of course I am the model today!

My outfit consists of:

Shirt: Katherine made it 

Skirt: Katherine's friend sewed it.

Shoes: Saige's Sweater Outfit

You know the drill - is the outfit Fabulous? or is it a Fail?

Comment below!

Once you've commented below, make sure to check out The Choice is Yours Photo-Shoot!

Friday, March 1, 2019

Here it Is... The Choice is Yours Photo-Shoot

Hey y'all! The results are in! Awhile ago, you voted on The Choice is Yours, and you can see the results in the photo-shoot below! If you can't tell, I, Saige, am the one who was voted to be in the photo-shoot. Yay! I always love posting - it's so much fun!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photo-shoot with my commentary!

Meatloaf was the dog who took photos with me. (Note to self - it's hard to get dogs to co-operate and look at the camera!)
Meatloaf and I went exploring.
Here we are playing fetch!

Look at him go!
Isn't he the cutest dog EVER?!
"Life's all about balance" or something like that. It just came into my head when Katherine took this photo. :)

More exploring and balancing!
(I couldn't resist posting this photo - Meatloaf is just too cute!)

I had so much fun doing this photo-shoot! Thanks y'all! :)

Which picture was your favorite?

Would you like us to do The Choice is Yours again?

(One last question I promise!)

What is the best time for A Doll's Life to post for you; like time of day, and which day of the week?

Comment below and stay fabulous!