
Friday, March 1, 2019

Here it Is... The Choice is Yours Photo-Shoot

Hey y'all! The results are in! Awhile ago, you voted on The Choice is Yours, and you can see the results in the photo-shoot below! If you can't tell, I, Saige, am the one who was voted to be in the photo-shoot. Yay! I always love posting - it's so much fun!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photo-shoot with my commentary!

Meatloaf was the dog who took photos with me. (Note to self - it's hard to get dogs to co-operate and look at the camera!)
Meatloaf and I went exploring.
Here we are playing fetch!

Look at him go!
Isn't he the cutest dog EVER?!
"Life's all about balance" or something like that. It just came into my head when Katherine took this photo. :)

More exploring and balancing!
(I couldn't resist posting this photo - Meatloaf is just too cute!)

I had so much fun doing this photo-shoot! Thanks y'all! :)

Which picture was your favorite?

Would you like us to do The Choice is Yours again?

(One last question I promise!)

What is the best time for A Doll's Life to post for you; like time of day, and which day of the week?

Comment below and stay fabulous! 

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! I think my favorite one is the 3rd one. I think it would be cool to do the choice is yours again!

    As far as posting goes, probably Friday or Saturday at any time. :)


Hi! Thanks so much for commenting! It means a lot. Since this is a doll blog I would like for it to be a blog for all ages. When you comment please think of these two things. One, no swearing or bad language. Two, be kind to other people and try not to start an argument. If you have a doll blog feel free to leave a link, and I will check it out! Thanks for taking time to comment!