Hello everyone! It's that time again. Where AG releases new things and I write my thoughts on in. I will be doing all the new items except for girl clothes, Bitty Babies, and WellieWishers.
The first item is the new doll Nanea! At first I didn't like her, but now I love her and I think she's so adorable and cute. I like how she looks younger because of the new facemold. :)
Nanea's Accessories
I like them. I love the necklace though! I do like how it has the money and the pretend letter. That's pretty cool.
Nanea's Family Market
First off I LOVE all the little details and the food in the set. But I feel like for $250 the building would be bigger and have more to it. I wish though I could just buy the food and accessories and things in it.
Nanea's Hula Outfit
I think this outfit is so adorable and cute! I like how the top is made of the same fabric which is included in the grocery store.
Nanea's Holoku Dress
I love this dress soo much!! I love the train and the color. And Nanea looks soo pretty in it. This might possibly be one of my favorite things that AG has ever made. I might have to get this dress but we'll see.
Nanea's Dog Mele
I think she is really cute! Normally I don't like the embroidered eyes, but on Mele they seem cute.
Nanea's Pet Set
Apparently Mele sleeps in a box? But I like the pillow (also one of the same fabrics in the grocery store) and I could see the box being a prop in pictures.
Nanea's School outfit
I love this dress so much! The fabric and style is really pretty. I don't quite like the shoes though. And if I'm not mistaken the fabric is the same as the pillow in the pet set and in the grocery store. But I'm not 100% sure. I really want to get this dress.
Nanea's School lunch
I like this set and I think its cute. I especially love that blue color!
Nanea's Island Swimsuit
I like it. It's not my favorite but it's still cute. (And the fabric is also included in the store which I think is so awesome!)
Nanea's Island Fishing Set
I love this set! I think that it's so adorable and cute! I wonder if the fishing pole works...... My only thing is that it seems priced a little too high at $28.
Nanea's Bed and Hawaiian Quilt
I LOVE the color so much! But for $95 you'd think that you would get more things from it.
Nanea's Tropical PJs
I love these!! They are so adorable and cute!! (Like Nanea's whole collection.)
Nanea's Hula Implements
This set looks so authentic! I love all the different instruments. I wonder if they work and make sounds....
Gabriela's Celebration Dress
Ahh!! I love this dress soooo much. It's so cute and fancy plus it's not pink or recycled. Most of Gabriela's collection has been recycled things so it's nice. :)
Gabriela's Colorful Cupcake Set
Eh. I don't really care for it. The colors I think just throws me off. And why are the cupcakes in mugs? I know there are cupcakes/cakes in a mug but still.

Z's rainy day Outfit
I think it's okay. I don't think that it all goes together though. And to be practical, this outfit wouldn't keep you from the rain.
Popcorn's Rainy Day outfit
I think it is really cute and adorable! If I had popcorn I would definitely consider getting it. (But why doesn't he have boots?)
Z's Media Kit
I really looovveee this set! My only thing is that $60 seems a little too much for the little bit you get. But it's still so awesome!
Western Chambray Outfit
I really like this outfit! (Anyone else getting Tenney vibes though?) The boots are adorable and so is the dress. My only thing is if you were really riding horses and at the stable the dress wouldn't be practical.
Western Horse
I really like this new horse! My only thing though is that it doesn't have a saddle.... Why does it have a bridle but not a saddle?
Horse Care Accessories
It's okay. It seems like it has a lot of plastic though. And the square thing is supposed to be a hay bale?? It's doesn't look like a hay bale at all.
Table and Chairs Set
It's a cute set. There's been multiple sets and I've lost count of which ones I like better.
Pie Baking Set
Now this is a awesome set! I really want it. Is it pumpkin and sweet potato pie? One is actually apple.... I think my idea better haha.
Nail Polish and Manicure Set
AHHHH!!!!! I love this set sooo much! I definitely want this set! (Real doll nail polish okay?! It's so awesome!!)
Sequin Penguin Outfit
Meh. This outfit isn't really anything special. It's like the other outfit that AG used to have.
Sledding Adventures Accessory
I love the board! I would prefer a hat over a headband but I'm not that picky. I want this set for winter. (If it will actually snow)
Star of Slopes Outfit
I LOVE this outfit! It's actually a practical snow suit for the winter which I really like.(And it's not pink yay!)
Snowboard & Helmet
I like this set! It's so cool. Except what I just realized that the gloves come with this set and not the other one.... I would prefer if the gloves were included with the outfit.
Winter Sightseeing outfit
Okay so I love the shoes, skirt, and shirt. But NOT the shawl. Like the rest of the outfit goes together so but not the shawl. And it's supposed to be winter? The skirt wouldn't be practical if it was winter. If it was a fall outfit it would make more sense. I'm still confused about the shawl though. (I do almost want this outfit though)
Festive Reindeer PJs
Awww! I love these! AG always makes the cutest pajamas <3
Fancy Holiday Dress
I really like this dress! It's fancy, but different and it's not pink. I want this dress because it's so cute!
Celebration Dress
Ahh! I love this dress too! The shoes seems kind of recycled but the dress it's-self is really cute.
Kaya's Trading outfit
I love this outfit! I'm so glad that Kaya finally got a new outfit.
Kaya's Trading Accessories
I really like this set! It looks authentic and I hope it is!
I think the beaver is cute. It reminds me of a finger puppet chipmunk that I have.
Kit's Christmas Outfit
I'm sorry but I don't like this dress. I don't like the wing looking things or the color with that style. I liked her old dress better.
Kit's Christmas Stocking
Aww! It's so cute!
Maryellen's Rockin' Roller Skating Outfit
I love this dress! It's different but so cute! And I could see this dress being more than just for skating...
Maryellen's Roller Skating Accessories
This set is okay and kind of cute. But it's $48!! In my opinion that it too much.
Melody's Birthday outfit
Ahhh!!!! I love this outfit soooo much!! (And Sydney just informed me that she wants this for her birthday.)
Melody's Birthday Party Accessories
Ahh! I also love this set! (Sydney also informed me that she wants this set too.)
Rebecca's Winter Jacket
I like this outfit! It reminds me a lot of Samantha's collection though. (Speaking of Samantha did you know that she and Addy were cubed? Would you like me to explain in a post what that means?)
Julie's Pet Bunny
I know Julie had a bunny but they changed the basket thing to like a box. And it also looks that the eyes are too far back in it's head.....
So that's it! Wow. That was a big release! I honestly didn't think that it was that big.
Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts?
Do you plan on getting anything from the release? Or have you already?
Comment below!