It was nearing Christmas and the dolls had not yet decorated their tree. Saige decided to change that. She told everybody to get their Christmas dresses on because they were going to do something fun.
She looked for and found the box of ornaments and put them on a chair.
Then she put out a plate of cookies and milk in case anybody was hungry while they were decorating.
Finally, she put on some classic Christmas songs and then they all started decorating.
Sydney hung the stockings.
"I can't believe it's taken us so long to decorate!" exclaimed Katrina.
"I know!" replied Saige. "We've all just been very busy."
Kailey was in charge of putting the lights on the tree.
"Ta-da!" shouted Kailey. "The lights are done!"
"Good job Kailey!" Anastasia said.
Since the lights were now on the tree, Saige handed out the ornaments. They all took turns hanging the ornaments one at a time.
Kailey hung up her ornament on the tree.
Addy hung her ornament. Then Samantha hung her's.
Once the ornaments were hung, it was time to put the star on top of the tree.
Saige dragged the chair over to the tree so she could put the star on.

"Anastasia could you hand me the star?" Saige asked.
"Of course Saige," replied Anastasia.
Anastasia handed Saige the star.
Standing on her tiptoes Saige could just reach the top of the tree and she put the star on top.
The tree was now decorated.
"It's beautiful!"
Is your house decorated for Christmas?
What's on top of your tree? A star or an angel?
Are you excited for Christmas?
Comment below!
P.S. Here is a bonus picture! :)